I grew up in Bristol. I studied Philosophy at Sheffield Uni, and after marriage to Jeff and 2 years in Leeds, I spent 7 years in Ashkelon, Israel, 37 years in Manchester, and now live in North London. I brought up three sons, became a Psychiatric Social Worker, and wrote a novel or two. Through all these activities, I consistently planned and wrote plays.
In the nineteen nineties I was awarded an Arts Council Theatre Writing Bursary. Three scripts, including my second radio play FAT have been translated – into German, Portuguese and Hebrew respectively. In the section `Plays,` you will find details of the ones I have written. One of these, `Remedies,` is about people whose lives are affected by the little-understood illness popularly called M E.
In 2021 I published on Amazon – as an ebook and a slim paperback – a memoir called M E and Me. Full-hearted commendations were received, from people who had had M E, or lived with someone who has it, or had tried to understand it.
In August 2022, `Tell it Not,` a collection of 17 short stories, was published by Red Heifer Press, USA. Available from both Amazon, Waterstones, and Barnes and Noble. If you would like to review it, do contact me. Of the 17 stories, more than half are on Jewish or Israeli themes, and more than half have been published previously, in journals, anthologies or websites. I am available to talk about the collection.
Candlesticks, one of the plays for which I was awarded the Arts Council award had its sixth production in Autumn 2022, at The White Bear Theatre, Kennington. Produced by Mercurius Theatre Company, Artistic Director Jenny Eastop, and directed by Jenny herself.
With a post-graduate diploma in Ethics and Social Welfare, I have an active interest in Mental Health, particularly its social and cultural dimensions. In 2019 I participated in The Unbroken Festival, in Barnes, run by the talented Emma King Farlow. I wrote and directed a short play Hanna, presented in the festival`s showcase evening. I ran a creative writing workshop. The Unbroken Festival explores connections between the worlds of mental health and the arts. I loved it.
I am interested in new writing projects, and like location work. Eg I was once Writer in Residence at Greater Manchester Police Museum, where I enjoyed researching in the archives before writing Fire in the Park – set in Manchester in 1885.
I like writing groups. Post-pandemic, I now plan to resurrect a fortnightly writing group, run at Trinity Church, Nether Street, N12 7NN, North Finchley. It will meet fortnightly – day and time yet to be decided. Once the dates are fixed it works like this: Your first session can be a one off. £15.00 for the two hour workshop. A taster. If you decide to commit, then the charge is £90.00 for the full series of 6 two hour workshops. I regard writing as a journey, and my groups are open to writers at all levels. If you are interested please contact me.